Code Of Conduct

encouraging personal responsibility & respect


  1. Observe the high standard of good manners, ladylike behaviour, respect and consideration for others which is expected of all Convent girls. If, after two warnings, a pupil fails to comply with the requirements pertaining to her appearance or behaviour, she will be sent home to rectify the problem.
  2. Greet all visitors and all staff and behave in a helpful manner and where necessary, direct visitors to the School Office. When a teacher or Prefect enters a classroom girls are expected to stand and greet them.
  3. Be on time for start of school at 7.30 am, and for all lessons and activities thereafter.
  4. Hand in money or valuables to the Class Teacher or Office for safekeeping. Unless this is done the school will not take action in the event of damage to or loss of the property.
  5. A gate pass stating the times to leave the school premises each day must be signed by a parent/guardian and the Class Teacher. It will bear the school stamp and must be carried at all times. Pupils may not leave the school premises at times not stated on the gate pass without a letter from a parent/guardian which is then signed by the Class Teacher. During the Public Examination period the gate pass system is suspended for the Public Exam candidates only.
  6. Study is from 1.45 to 3.45pm and all students present at school, not involved in an activity or lesson during these hours, must go to study. There is to be silence and an atmosphere of study at all times in the study classrooms and on the school premises from 1.45 to 3.45pm.
  7. Girls may not wait OUTSIDE the gates to be collected but must remain within the school grounds until they are collected.
  8. By means of a medical slip pupils obtain permission from the subject teacher to use the sick-bay. The slip must be handed in at Secretary’s Office and the pupil must sign the Sick-Bay book.
  9. If a pupil is going to be absent from school or from cultural activities/ sports, a letter is required in advance. Where this is not possible, it should be given to the teacher concerned the following day.
  10. No eating is allowed in the classrooms. Chewing gum is not allowed in school
  11. No running along the corridors is allowed. When using the stairs, keep left and walk in single file.
  12. Cell-phones, I pods and other similar electrical devices may not be brought to school. If a cell phone is needed for after school hours it must be handed in to the school office and collected after lessons. In an emergency, permission must be sought to use the phone at school or during a school activity taking place off the school premises.
  13. Facilities are provided to lock the pupil’s desk. Pupils are expected to provide a padlock and key and are responsible for their textbooks. Labeled duplicate keys should be handed in to the class teacher to avoid having to have the padlock cut off if the original key is misplaced. If a textbook is lost or damaged it must be replaced immediately.
  14. Pupils may not, while in school uniform, refuse to be disciplined by a prefect or any other pupil in a position of authority.
  15. Pupils are obliged to attend a specified number of cultural and sporting activities each term.
  16. Pupils may not remain in the classrooms during break or lunch hour
  17. Silence must be observed:
    -At Mass, Assemblies, during Examinations
    -For the reception and departure of visitors at important school functions.
    -In the Library
    -At the change of lessons – classrooms, corridors and stairs
    -During Fire/Riot Drills

Activities, Appearance & Punishments

  1. Convent pupils are expected to conduct themselves in an appropriate, responsible and sporting manner at all times.
  2. They must play by the rules, never argue with a referee and. accept the decisions of the officials as final
  3. Opponents and team mates must be treated with respect Pupils are encouraged to be good sports and appreciate good play by both their own team and opposition.
  4. Abuse of officials or other players is not acceptable. Foul or inappropriate language and loss of temper is not permitted at any time.
  5. Pupils must be on time for all practices and fixtures and let the coach/teacher in charge know in advance, if for a good reason, they are not able to participate. For away fixtures pupils must arrive well in time for the departure of the school bus.
  6. The correct uniform for the occasion must be worn and it has to be clean, neat and tidy.
  7. Pupils are encouraged to support all school activities. When attending a fixture, they may only leave at the end of the fixture. If the Convent is hosting they may leave only after the visitors have left.
  8. Once a commitment to a sport or cultural activity has been made it is obligatory to remain in that discipline for the rest of the year.
  9. Pupils must bear in mind that how you play is as important as winning or losing. It is important to lose with dignity and win with grace.
  1. The only jewellery allowed: wrist watches, Medic Alert bracelets/chains, a cross/chain, medal/chain, one pair of gold/silver sleepers or studs worn only in the lobe of the ear. The sleeper ring should be no more that 1cm in diameter. Rosaries are not to be worn as jewellery.
  2. Nails must be natural, clean and of reasonable length. Colourless nail varnish may be worn
  3. No foundation, mascara, lip gloss or any form of make-up is allowed.
  4. No tattoos are allowed.
  5. Name badges must be worn at all times on the school premises.
  6. Hats are to be worn during morning and lunch break and when the weather is hot at sports functions.
  7. Full uniform, including blazer, must be worn at all school activities and functions at which the school is represented, unless given instructions to the contrary.
  8. When leaving the school after sports, pupils must either wear full school track suit or full school uniform including blazer.
  9. Appropriate underwear must be worn.
  10. Skirts must be below the knee in length, worn fitted at the waist and pleated.
  11. All items of uniform must be labelled, clean and in good repair.
  12. During exam periods both internal and external, the school rules regarding behaviour and appearance remain in force.

Hair needs to be in a suitable style for school. Shoulder length hair must be tied back and loose strands clipped in place. Fringes should be no longer than 1cm above the eyebrows. Only royal blue, dark blue or dark brown ribbons, scrunchies, slides, combs and alice bands are allowed. Hairstyles must be simple and worn without oil, gel or any form of hair-dressing. No highlights, dye, peroxide are allowed. Soft perms are allowed. Braids are allowed for 6th Form only.

RULES FOR BRAIDS (Form 3 - 6 only)

  1. Colour of braids between shades 1 – 4 (black – dark brown). No other colours are allowed. Braids must be one colour only – no mixing of colours
  2. Maximum length of braids 30cm and minimum length such that braids can be tied back in a ponytail at the back of the head. Braids may not be worn loose.

Braids should be tied back firmly so that they do not work loose, using the correct colour elastic/scrunchie. Alice Bands are allowed. No pigtails, French plaits etc.

  1. Braids should be no thicker than No. 4 mm knitting needle or ‘Fizz-pop stick’.
  2. Twisted or plaited braids are acceptable. No curls allowed.
  3. No beads are allowed.
  4. No fringes allowed if wearing braids.
  5. No combinations e.g. weave/braids allowed.
  6. The braids should not interfere with the correct wearing of hats, tennis peaks or swimming caps.
  7. If found wearing illegal braids, the student will be given the weekend to remove them. If this is not done, she will not be allowed to wear braids for the whole term. If the same thing happens subsequently, she will be permanently banned from wearing braids.
Serious offences are dealt with by the Teachers, Teachers in Charge of Forms, Deputy Head or the Head. Prefects handle the minor infringements.

  1. Fines: Pupils can be fined for the following offences
    a. Chewing gum
    b. Not wearing name badge or hat; also for not wearing her own name badge.
    c. Not being in possession of a valid gate pass.
    d. Wearing nail varnish and/or make-up
    e. Wearing inappropriate school uniform and hair style.
    f.  Carrying a satchel on one shoulder instead of both shoulders.
    g. Eating in school uniform out of school unless in a designated restaurant.
    h. Disregarding the line on the pavement at 4th Street Gate
  2. Confiscation – Confiscated jewellery, cell phones and electronic equipment can only be claimed from the Office at the end of term or after two months whichever is the longer.
  3. Manual – pupils may be put on manual if they have incurred three repeated fines or if they have disobeyed a prefect or have committed a serious offence.
  4. Detention – Pupils may be put on detention by Subject teachers for not handing in homework on time, or for incomplete or no homework [be it written and/or learning] or for not doing corrections. Detentions take place on Friday afternoons and will involve written work set by the teacher concerned.  Parents are informed by letter detailing the offence and the time and date of the detention.
  5. Serious misbehaviour: as outlined in the Ministry of Education Circular P35 will be severely dealt with and the pupil may face exclusion or expulsion.

Our Mission

The Dominican Convent, following a tradition that dates back to St Dominic, who desired the salvation of all people, is committed to the education and development of the whole person, spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, physically, morally and socially.

Our Vision

To be the leading multi-cultural Catholic Girls’ school in the region that offers a sound holistic education and a first-rate operational climate for pupils, staff and parents in an environmentally friendly atmosphere.

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