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Africa Youth Chess Championships

Africa Youth Chess Championships, Johannesburg,15-23 June 2024
Two of our ladies qualified and represented Zimbabwe and the School in this year's Africa Youth Chess Championships in Kempton Park South Africa from 15-23 June 2024.
The girls put up a great performance against the best in Africa. Maita Mangwende had 5 points  and was tied on the 10th position out of 36 players from 16 different Nations. She was in the Under 18 age group. Ropfadzo Gwatidzo amassed 4 points and was tied on the 20th position out of 31 players in the Under 16 age group.
The Convent chess is on a continuous upward trend. We are grateful to the School and parents for the continuous guidance and support.


Our Mission

The Dominican Convent, following a tradition that dates back to St Dominic, who desired the salvation of all people, is committed to the education and development of the whole person, spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, physically, morally and socially.

Our Vision

To be the leading multi-cultural Catholic Girls’ school in the region that offers a sound holistic education and a first-rate operational climate for pupils, staff and parents in an environmentally friendly atmosphere.

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