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World Robot Olympiad Results

Our Robotics team managed to participate in the World Robot Olympiad at Arupe Jesuit University from the 6th to 7th of June. We fielded one Junior team and two senior teams. Our Junior team came first and qualified for the National competitions to be held in Bulawayo this June. The junior team scooped winners’ certificates and prizes in the junior category.
Junior Team :
1. Nadine Rukwata
2. Vimbainashe Chibwe
3. Praise Chirisa
Our senior team 1 came second and scooped winners’ certificates and prizes in the senior category. The senior team also qualified for the National competitions.
Senior Team 1:
1. Alexandra Mazonde
2. Ruvarashe Mutukwa
3. Rufaro Rwaveya
Our senior team 2 got certificates of participation.
Senior Team 2 :
1. Tinotenda Mgazi
2. Cleopatra Gwara
3. Victoria Chisale


Our Mission

The Dominican Convent, following a tradition that dates back to St Dominic, who desired the salvation of all people, is committed to the education and development of the whole person, spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, physically, morally and socially.

Our Vision

To be the leading multi-cultural Catholic Girls’ school in the region that offers a sound holistic education and a first-rate operational climate for pupils, staff and parents in an environmentally friendly atmosphere.

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